oklahoma state university sociology
Program Mission
The mission of the Sociology program is to provide the intellectual basis and appropriate perspective for examining society and social behavior. This perspective is vital to the development of an educated and tolerant public. It is also significant for training students for entry into social service positions. The primary and enduring function of the program is to provide quality sociological education that enriches students and, therefore, the communities in which they reside.
The major initiatives of Southeastern as stated in the Vision 2015 statement include to “promote student enrichment experiences” and to “optimize the learning environment.” These are central themes of the Sociology program as expressed in the program goals provided below. The program mission and the university mission are compatible in that graduates of the program should be able to view the totality of social life and analyze many of the problems faced in an increasingly complex and global society.
With several courses that carry upper-division liberal arts credit, the Sociology program enhances the overall ability of a Southeastern graduate to analyze and comprehend the local and global communities in which they live. In addition, this Sociology program remains a vital component of a growing number if inter-disciplinary minors.
Program Curriculum Goals Stated as Student Outcomes
Students who complete their degree requirements in sociology should be able to:
1. Define and understand major sociological concepts
2. Exhibit the ability to communicate a variety of sociological concepts
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology
4. Discuss the origin and development of the discipline of sociology including knowledge of the
individuals who contributed to its growth
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the various sub-areas of sociology
6. Demonstrate an awareness of multicultural variations and their importance in understanding cross-cultural relationships