San diego state university sociology
Sociology studies every kind of human activity - from intimate family relationships to newly developed social movements, from organized crime to work worlds, from cities to small groups. It focuses on how people interact with each other to build, maintain and change human society.
Sociology emphasizes social relationships and the social causes, contexts, and consequences of human behavior. It is unique as a discipline for its wide scope and general relevance. In addition to the main areas of human activities it studies, sociology examines the way knowledge of social life is developed.
Program Overview
The sociology major at SDSU offers the student a wide range of teaching techniques and subject matters including: Community Structure and Institutions, Inequalities, Diversity and Change, Crime and Control, and Social Movements.
Special Features
The distinctive features of the Sociology major include:
- Alpha Kappa Delta is a sociology honorary fraternity.
- The Social Science Research Laboratory provides information and data for research, emphasizes public opinion polling and computer applications to social problems.
- The Field Internship Program allows students to gain hands-on experience with community agencies, organizations and businesses.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities for sociology graduates are as varied as is the discipline of sociology. Many sociology graduates find themselves working for businesses while others find employment in social service agencies or correctional departments (e.g., child welfare worker, parole or probation officer).
Other fields that might employ sociology graduates include population analysis, public opinion research, public administration and politics.
The sociology major is also a good preparation for graduate programs in the following areas: sociology, social work, law, medicine, teaching and research.
For more specific information on career opportunities, a brochure entitled Careers in Sociology may be obtained from the sociology department office.
General Catalog
You can view more complete information regarding the Sociology program in the General Catalog. All students are responsible for reading and knowing the information pertinent to their areas of study available in the General Catalog. It contains requirements for all academic majors, course descriptions, policies, and regulations governing progress at the university. Catalogs are distributed at all New Student Orientation programs. To order a General Catalog, call (619) 594-7535.
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